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sumak kawsay.jfif

Moving Forward

Sumak Kawsay - "el buen vivir" - "to live well"

My next steps in this journey is to continue reading and reflecting on the theories that inform Critical Global Citizenship Education. I will incorporate also the philosophy of the Sumak Kawsay. Sumak Kawsay is an indigenous Quechua philosophy that means “el buen vivir”. In English, to “live well”. This philosophy was the spine of the new Ecuadorian Constitution written in 2008 as it is a paradigm towards re founding our society through equity, solidarity, peace and harmony (Cruz, 2018).

Sumak Kawsay is an invitation to decolonize educational theories in order to think of new pedagogies that "encourage a way of acting that is community-centric, ecologically balanced, and culturally sensitive" (Bosio & Torres, 2019, p.2). 

By incorporating Sumak Kawsay philosophy to my study, I will have a theoretical framework of my research field that incorporates the voices of the Global South.

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